Life Insurance Focus
We offer life insurance and disability products to our client’s through multiple life insurance and disability carriers. Our product portfolio is made up of general account life insurance, indexed life insurance, separate account (variable) life insurance, private placement life insurance, and specialty disability insurance. Our firm also has access to proprietary life insurance products through our membership in M Financial Group. These products are priced based on the demographics, morbidity and mortality experience, and preferences of the high net worth affluent individual and business client. M Financial Group’s 40-year history in facilitating insurance for healthy/wealthy individuals provides sufficient evidence for products that are specifically designed for this market. These products are competitive and extremely flexible. However, the most compelling advantage to our clients is M Financial Group’s continuous monitoring of the service, experience, and performance of inforce business to ensure that proprietary products continue to be effective. In addition, pricing enhancements resulting from experience data apply to both new sales and inforce business.
Buying Power
TRC Financial is in a unique position as a result of a singular focus on affluent individual and corporate insurance clients. As a Member Firm of M Financial, we represent enormous buying power and influence. The composite client base of M Financial Member Firms represents extraordinary premium volume, mortality, and persistency trends, as well as higher average policy face amounts compared to industry averages. This translates into the ability to create special and proprietary life insurance products and disability products designed for wealth preservation and executive benefits programs.
Our Value Add
Innovative Life Insurance Services
Policy structuring and design
Private Underwriting
Dedicated Policy Service
Understand the risks you are insuring
Probability of dying
Chance a 65 year-old will need long-term care
2x in 8
Probability of dying doubles every 8 years
Chance of a disability lasting for 5+ years
According to U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
The National Center for Health Statistics reports the average life expectancy in the United States is 77.9 years. According to the CDC, the leading causes of death in the United States are (in descending order) heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, accidents, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes.

General Account (Universal) Life Insurance
Life insurance, if structured properly, is a dynamic wealth protection and investment vehicle because of its income tax attributes. With a General Account product, premiums, net of reductions for mortality, State premium tax, Federal DAC tax, and carrier charges, are deposited into the carrier's general account. The policy cash value is then credited based on a declared interest rate or dividend from the insurance company's general account investments.

Corporate, Credit Union, Bank, and Insurance Company Owned Life Insurance
Our team works with senior executives, internal committees, and boards to structure corporate-owned, bank-owned, and insurance-owned life insurance (COLI, BOLI, ICOLI) programs geared specifically to the company’s objectives and philosophy. TRC Financial’s approach to corporate-ownership is to focus on the life insurance asset and its impact on the short and long-term objectives of the company, credit union, bank and insurance company.

Indexed Life Insurance
With an Indexed product, premiums, net of reductions for mortality, State premium tax, Federal DAC tax, and carrier charges, are allocated into an indexed account. Different products offer a various index options depending on a policy owner's objectives. Typically, the Index provides downside protection of a 0% earnings rate for the Index as well as a cap for higher earnings.

Separate Account (Variable) Life Insurance
Life insurance, if structured properly, is a dynamic wealth protection and investment vehicle because of its income tax attributes. With a Separate Account (Variable) product, premiums, net of reductions for mortality, State premium tax, Federal DAC tax, fund manager expenses, and carrier charges, are deposited into separate accounts based on the allocation of the policy owner. The policy cash value is then based on the growth or loss in the various separate accounts with no investment guarantees.

Private Placement Annuity & Life Insurance
Ultra-affluent families utilize Private Placement Variable Annuity & Life Insurance Investment Accounts to shield traditional and alternative asset class investments from current period taxation. These accounts can optimize after-tax investment returns, eliminate K-1s, enhance creditor protection, increase charitable bequests, reduce the reporting requirements for foreign financial institutions, and/or protect foreign wealth from U.S. income tax.

Term Life Insurance
A critical element when purchasing large term life insurance death benefits is our firm's Private Underwriting process. We are able to assess and determine your underwriting classification before you make a formal buy decision and submit a life insurance carrier application. A typical term life insurance process begins with an application and a medical exam which is exactly what not to do when acquiring life insurance for affluent individuals and businesses.

Specialty Disability Insurance
High-income executives and entrepreneurs may need unique and customized solutions to meet their risk of disability. We focus on providing custom-tailored specialty disability insurance products to protect our clients future income and net worth. We understand the lifestyle of our successful clients and their unique needs around incentive compensation, M&A transactions, business risks, passions, and hobbies.

Long-Term Care Insurance
It's estimated that 70% of people turning age 65 will need long-term care services in their lifetime. Today, the need to plan for long-term care is often overlooked. It is typically uninsured or not factored into a retirement cash flow plan, making it a substantial “unknown” financial risk. We deliver insurance plans for companies and individuals to fund long-term care financial risks. We use proprietary products and analysis to give you the confidence you deserve.